On January 27th 2021, Google's Bard AI bot mistakenly sold off billions of dollars worth of shares, wiping over $100bn off the market value. This incident highlights the importance of understanding how AI works and the risks associated with relying heavily on machines for decision making.
The mistake was a result of a “fat finger” in which a human programmer accidentally entered an incorrect instruction. Although Google’s AI bot is no longer allowed to make trades, this incident serves as a warning as to what can go wrong when humans rely too heavily on machines. It shows that it is important to have humans in control when it comes to making decisions regarding investments and finances.
Google's artificial intelligence (AI) bot, Bard, made a mistake that cost the company billions of dollars on the stock market. The misteak caused shares in Google to drop by around $100 billion, as investors panicked over the potential implications of AI bots taking control of major decision-making processes. Google has since apologized for the mistake and is working to ensure that it does not happen again. The incident highlights just how important it is for companies to be aware of the potential risks involved when utilizing AI technology and to have appropriate safety measures in place.
In a shocking turn of events, Google's Bard AI bot wiped a whopping $100 billion off the company's shares due to an error in the system. This marked one of the most expensive AI blunders ever, and it highlights the importance of having tight security protocols and checks when using artificial intelligence.
It is also a reminder that although AI has immense potential to make lives easier, it can also do great harm if not used responsibly. Companies should ensure that their AI systems are foolproof and that any mistakes can be easily rectified without causing long-term damage.